Meet Lisa Rochette, Our Featured Volunteer from NYC!
Get to know our volunteers!
What Virtual Program do you volunteer with?I volunteer for the Veterans Virtual Program
How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I’ve been volunteering for eight years
Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Guide
What is your occupation outside of MOC? I’m in Talent Management and Strategy for Nickelodeon
Do you have any hidden talents? I’ll never tell!
What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? My ex-husband had Cystic Fibrosis so I’m very familiar with repeated and lengthy hospital stays. Because of those experiences, providing support for not only patients but their caregivers & family has been an interest of mine. When I learned about Musicians on Call, it was a perfect melding of my desire to provide a mental reprieve to patients and caregivers with my love for music.