Meet Nick Schlobohm, Our Featured Volunteer from San Francisco!
Get to know our volunteers!
Do you volunteer at a specific hospital? I volunteer at the VA of San Francisco.
How long have you been volunteering with Musicians On Call? I have been volunteering for a year and a half.
Are you a volunteer guide or musician? Guide
What is your occupation outside of MOC? I work in Medical Device Sales.
Do you have any hidden talents? Rugby!
What is your story? What connects you with music and why do you volunteer with MOC? I play guitar as a hobby and believe that music is one of the most powerful forms of human communication.
I volunteer specifically at the VA because I respect those who have served our country. They are very deserving of our support!
What makes MOC different from your other volunteer experiences? MOC delivers experiences that have immediate and significant effects on the mental state of patients. I have heard patients say that they forgot about their illness because they were captivated by our musicians.
Has your life changed because of your experience with Musicians On Call? As an aspiring doctor, I have new ideas on how healthcare should incorporate programs such as MoC in hospital communities. Being involved in the program has helped me focus on the bright side of life.
What is your favorite #MOCmoment? Working with Adrienne and Daniel one night we were able to engage a large group of patients, staff, and their families in the dining hall. Everyone either sang along or grooved to the music. The energy of the whole community center changed immediately.