MOC Intern, Reagan, Reflects On A Semester Spent Sharing The Healing Power Of Music
When I was walking through my school’s internship fair, I didn’t really know what I was looking for. I knew that I wanted to intern for a company that would allow me to learn and grow in my skill sets, but I wasn’t sure where I wanted to invest my time. Just as I was getting ready to leave the fair, I came across Musicians On Call. From just a 5-minute conversation with them, I knew that it was a mission I wanted to be a part of.
What Musicians On Call does is a very powerful thing. Sharing music during times of struggle and hardship, although seemingly small, can make all the difference for patients and their families. Music has always been a source of joy for me and something I turn to for distraction and comfort. I love that MOC allows musicians and music-lovers alike the opportunity and privilege to share that joy. Musicians On Call’s values also perfectly align with my own: to lean into community, always aim for excellence, be compassionate in all that you do, create innovatively, and encourage inclusivity. When MOC encouraged me to apply as an intern, it was a no-brainer.
As an intern with MOC, I’ve had the chance to learn about and work within the different departments that make up MOC’s team. It’s been really awesome seeing how such a big thing is run by such a small group. At the very beginning of my internship, I was given the opportunity to be a part of Musicians On Call’s 25th Anniversary event. It was such a special and unique experience getting to help with the “behind the scenes” of putting on an event of that magnitude. It definitely felt like the perfect way to kick off my summer with MOC. I’ve loved being able to interact with different people in the office, and I’ve left every day feeling welcomed and encouraged. There have been many opportunities for me to sit in on a variety of meetings with different departments. This has been extremely helpful and educational for me, as I’m truly getting to learn more not only about each department themselves, but about which areas I feel like I gravitate towards most and might want to hone in on in my own career. I’ve been working on many different projects during my time. From researching ways to recruit other college students for volunteering, to suggesting new songs to add to our musician database, to gathering possible venues for volunteer mixers in our markets, my skill sets are being both challenged and strengthened. I’m looking forward to taking these skills I’ve developed with me as I depart from my internship.
I had the opportunity to go and shadow a program here in Nashville at The Children’s Hospital at TriStar Centennial. My experience there was so incredible and immensely inspiring. Before going to shadow, I thought that I fully understood the power of music. It wasn’t until I was experiencing the program in action that I truly saw what music can do for people. Seeing smiles (and even dance moves) begin to fill the rooms and hallways filled me with joy. It made the work I was doing in the office feel even more special, knowing that I was a part of something bigger than myself and something that is so crucial. After finishing my internship, I hope to continue volunteering in these programs, as it has been such a transformative experience for me.
The skills I’ve developed and the opportunities I’ve been able to learn from are things I will carry with me moving forward in my studies and career. Leaving with new ways to organize, manage time, communicate and research, I feel more equipped and confident than I did coming into my internship. I have gained independence in projects, while also being shown it’s okay to ask for help and guidance. I feel very grateful for my time that I’ve gotten to spend here with Musicians On Call, and am happy to say that this internship has been an amazing experience for me.
I believe there are many benefits to interning at Musicians On Call. You will get to work in a positive and uplifting environment with an incredible team. You will walk away with a stronger sense of how different departments work, both together and individually, within a non-profit. And you will feel inspired by the work that you do. I couldn’t recommend this internship enough to any college students who are looking for opportunities to learn in a diverse way. Musicians On Call is an incredible organization with a passionate mission: to deliver the healing power of music. I deeply encourage you to apply if you want to be a part of the mission.